Privacy Policy

Effective: Abril 6, 2021.

This Privacy Policy details how your data is being used when you make use of (and its variants; collectively "Site") and the services we offer (collectively, "Our Services"). Also, it informs about third-party services we use ("Third-party Services"), that can receive certain data when you use some of Our Services.

We only store anonymous aggregated data. We do not collect, store, nor process personal data (also known as "personal information"); however, Third-party Services could do it. We do not control the contents nor practices of third-party services and we cannot accept the responsability nor obligation of their respective privacy policies. Please, know more in the section: Third-party Services.

To know about our use of Cookies, please visit our Cookies Policy.

Collected data

We only collect non-personal data.

Non-personal data

We collect the following non-personal data:


When we talk about "preference" (or "preferences") we refer to small data whose value represents some action that should be remebered in the future.

Due to how do we store your preferences, some Cookies might be sent to Our Services. Our Services do not intentionally store your preferences; however, some preferences are often identical to metadata we collect. When this happens, the data we collect will be considered and treated as metadata.

What preferences do we collect

The preferences we collect are described in: What Cookies do we use.

How do we collect your preferences

Some preferences are retrieved from your device (your language, for example) and some others are set when you use certain parts of Our Site (when you close some dialog or set any setting, for example).

How do we use your preferences

We use your preferences to change default configurations on our Site and show you the version you prefer. For example, if you always want to use the Spanish version of our Site, we will store "lang=es"; so, when you come back to our Site, we will access to this datum and show you the Spanish version by default.

How do we store your preferences

We store your preferences by using abbreviations or numeric values on your device using Cookies, for example: we store "csnt=no" if you prefer to reject Cookies.


All metadata we collect are anonymous and will not represent sensible data that could be used to identify you or to track you.

What metadata do we collect

When you access links that were shared, we will collect the following metadata:

How do we collect your metadata

We use our own methods to obtain your metadata. We do not use Third-party services to report this data.

We will send your metadata to Our Services only under the following circumstances:

How do we use your metadata

We collect metadata with the purpose of analizing and using them for statistical purposes, in order to:

We do not sell, rent, nor share intentionally this data with anyone.

How do we store your metadata

All metadata we send to Our Services are often abbreviations, English terms, or numbers that usually Our Services recognize.

All metadata we receive are stored in an aggregated and anonymously way, using databases located in the United States.

Because this data is stored in an aggregated way, we cannot state how long your data will be stored nor guarantee that we could delete your data.

Data reported by Third-party Services

What data do we collect

We do not have control over what data is collected by this service. We only obtain aggregated data about visits to our Site, for example:

How do we collect your data

We do not control how we obtain this data, however we could obtain it in any of the following ways:

How do we use your data

We use data we receive from Third-party Services to understant, visualize, analize, and keep record of our Site's traffic. We do not sell, rent, nor share the data we receive with anyone.

How do we store your data

We only store emails that are sent to us each month, about our Site's aggregated data, indefinitely.

Third-party Services

This Privacy Policy does not address practices from any third-party service described below. Each service keeps its own privacy policies and it is necessary that you review their respective policies to know how these services make use of your data.

We use third-party services to offer you some of Our Services. When you use Our Services, one or more services are responsible for processing your request and provide their resources so that we can...

While it is true that we need most of these services, some might be optionals and are only used if you decide so. Below are shown the Third-party Services we use, the usage purpose, its presence, if they are optional, and links of each service to their respective privacy policies.

Details about Third-party Services we use
Service Usage purpose Presence Optional Links
Cloudflare To host our Site, redirect, understand about our Site's traffic and offer you a faster service. When you request resources (like files, data, ...) from Our Services. For example, when you access to our Site. No. Privacy policy.
Heroku To host Our Services. When you use Our Services. For example, when you subscribe to our Tropical Cyclone's alerts. Yes, but results in loss of functionalities. Privacy policy.
Carto To show you maps or characteristics over maps (like the name of the cities, boundaries, etc.). It is used by default when the name of each part of the world is loaded over our Site's homepage's map. Yes, replaceable. Privacy policy.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We keep our Privacy Policy under regular review and place any updates on this web page.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on April 6, 2021.